Comments on: Stop Waiting for the Perfect Time to Travel Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer Mon, 13 Jun 2022 22:35:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeroen Mon, 25 Jan 2021 15:57:01 +0000 In reply to Bianca.

You have 3 phases in live:
– Phase 1: You don’t have money, but you have time and energy
– Phase 2: You don’t have time, but have money and energy.
– Phase 3: You don’t have energy, but have money and time.

Try to mix them.
Phase 1: Travelling gives you life lessons, which help you in your carreer.
Phase 2: Money can be swopped for time, so do it. Don’t fall into the pitfall of comparing your life with someone else his live (I also like to have such a house, etc..).
Phase 3: Enjoy the things wherefor less energy is needed. If you started travelling young, you already did the things that cost a lot of energy (like extreme stuff).

By: Jeroen Mon, 25 Jan 2021 15:27:24 +0000 This is so true.
Especially when you don’t have kids yet; go explore, go travel, go and have fun. Make memories for life, make friends for life and make your life amazing.
Each day you get 86.400 seconds to do something you like. At the end of the day these seconds are gone, no matter if you spend them wisely or not.
Don’t wait because time flies, but you are the pilot. So what is your next destination.
Don’t play the COVID card now. Okee due to covid-19 we are facing limitations, but within these limitations are a lot of possibilities (be creative).
I travel every summer and winter holiday with my family because we love it. Because of the school holdays we are limited to a holiday periods of max 3 weeks. In 2019 I had the opportunity to get 3 monthes off from work and so I planned my backpack trip to Asia. I travelled via Beijing and Seoul to Japan (Osaka->Tokyo). After Tokyo I visited Hong Kong before I travelled from Hanoi till the Mekong delta in Vietnam and via Manilla I went to Palawan to travell all the way up to Coron and flew to Cebu for the last part of my trip.
At that moment I was 47 years old and left my wife and kids at home (kids had to go to school). My wife let me do this, because it was my dream ever since I said I do this tomorrow when the kids are on their own. Every time I look back on this trip, I remember it as one of my best periods of my life.

By: Tas Moh Thu, 05 Nov 2020 23:36:07 +0000 Wonderful article!

No time for regrets and “what-if?” moments.

By: Jane Tue, 17 Mar 2020 01:34:44 +0000 This is so true! …Except now really doesn’t seem like the right time to travel because of coronavirus. I was planning for a year long trip around the world from April but it looks like I’ll have to change plans…

Sorry to sound negative but this really breaks my heart and I had to write it down :'( Keep safe everyone and hope we get through this

By: Wes Pearce Mon, 06 Jan 2020 23:10:34 +0000 This rings so true! It’s so easy to keep saying “Oh I’ll do this in the fall…or I’ll visit there next year…” when we don’t even know how long we’ll be around on the planet. Time to travel everywhere we want to go …now 🙂

By: Katelyn Sun, 08 Jan 2017 14:48:25 +0000 It’s now 2017 and this post still rings so true. It’s why I’ve booked a holiday for Easter and I’m in the process of booking another for September.

Tomorrow, I still won’t know what my job will be in the summer.

Tomorrow, I still won’t know where I’ll be living.

But I know I’ll be going on holiday. When life gets me down, I look to my next adventure. And suddenly I smile (which creeps all the other grumpy people out!)

It’s also why I’ve just started my blog – to remind myself to travel, to explore, and just do it!

By: Brianna Wed, 04 Jan 2017 21:05:22 +0000 5 years later and here I am reading this and trying to hype myself up!!! My friends and I have found out that….it’s so easy to GO, but we’re bound by societal expectations. At our age, we should be studying hard and preparing for a career outside of college. But I find myself wanting to GO. Hopefully, this is the year.

By: Tammy Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:21:10 +0000 When I was 50, I decided to take off and see the world. I sold my home, all my belongings and put my small at home business on hold. At 51 I strapped on a backpack and left. I traveled for 353 days to 24 countries and visited 112 cities and I did it alone. It was the experience of a lifetime!

By: Pat Fri, 08 Jan 2016 17:20:54 +0000 I feel sorry for those that do not seize the day and make the most of this life. There is too much to see and do in this world, so travel should be at the forefront of each person’s yearly financial planning and aspirations.

Great perspective – always appreciative of the insights.

By: Jacquelyn Tue, 22 Dec 2015 19:40:25 +0000 Thanks for this! I need a kick in the butt. I’ve not left Canada since 2005! I had lived and worked in Asia for close to 4 years, but came home to build a career and a home. Now that I’ve accomplished that it’s time for me to get back out there, and I find myself planning amazing trips and then cancelling them due to other costs or reasons. So I’ve just socked away more money into my savings account and will keep my eyes peeled for a flight sale to C.A. for this February!!!
